Monday, August 30, 2010

Garlic is great Pick

lots of spices on a spice often sit rank forgotten, except for the occasional soup or desert recipe. But garlic is an exception, can add so much flavor and, yes, spices, all sorts of dishes. Accordingly, earthy spices and strong, it is used with great frequency.

What Italian cuisine without this wonderful spice? Because he is able to improve the taste of many foods, this wonderful spice is often used a central position on a spice rack. Fresh garlic is usually found sitting in plain view a map of the kitchen.

Allium sativum is the scientific name for garlic. Most likely, in the wild in western South Asia. It has been used as a spice and a medicine, the thought of the ancient world. However, garlic is a delicious condiment, it is also difficult to overcome in terms of improving the health of people. Numerous studies indicate that it has the ability to fight colds and flu, due to the fact that there are powerful antifungal and antibacterial compounds found in garlic. This plant owes much of its antibacterial effects and improve the immunity of a compound called allicin. In summary, the allicin is the low things. Studies show that plays a role in the allicin garlic and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Yes, in addition to taste and strengthening immunity.

Allium sativum is the scientific name for garlic. Most likely, in the wild in western South Asia. It has been used as a spice and a medicine, the thought of the ancient world.

However, garlic is a delicious condiment, it is also difficult to overcome in terms of improving the health of people. Numerous studies indicate that it has the ability to fight colds and flu, due to the fact that there are powerful antifungal and antibacterial compounds found in garlic.

This plant owes much of its antibacterial effects and improve the immunity of a compound called allicin. In summary, the allicin is the low things. Studies show that plays a role in the allicin garlic and antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Yes, in addition to taste and strengthening immunity.

Many medical studies have also found that garlic has the ability to reduce cholesterol. When all is said and done, the garlic can help your health in a variety of ways. Few, if any, other spices may be exactly what it can contribute to the human body in terms of welfare. A side note there are people who suffer allergic reactions to garlic.

Like ginger and oregano, are public and can be purchased throughout the year, as well as its raw form, and form supplied. Moreover, once again, ginger and oregano can be purchased in pill form. health food companies, the realization of opportunities of garlic to improve health, provide the capsules. Although the vitamin supplement from the store are a great option, the best way to enjoy all the spices, like garlic or dried or raw. Powered raw garlic and garlic and really work a very wide range of products and different recipes. Garlic is easy to grow and survive in different climates. It 'also exempt from most of the type of parasites.

Raw garlic is stronger than dried, but some may find that product raw garlic makes your breath a little later, smelly. For this reason, many opt for drying, which significantly reduces this problem.

Taking into account the various ways that garlic can help improve health, it is surprising that garlic is not more popular. However, said the popularity of garlic in the world has been high in history for good reason. In fact, people often placed above many other spices. Often, garlic, in some parts of the world seemed almost as popular as salt and pepper.

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